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Mae Holland

Maebelline Renner Holland is twenty-four years old and grew up in Longfield, a small town between Fresno and Tranquillity, Carlifornia. She was in Carton College studying Psychology for four years in Colorado. After college she worked at a local utility and was called Black Lightning by her co-workers for her amazing computer skills.

Her friend Annie Allerton, who Mae shared a room a college with and is one of the Circle 40s most important people, helped her to get a job by the Circle.

She works in the department for Customer Experience with average points of 98.


But why is Mae Holland so important and a highly discussed topic?

Because Mae Holland is the first person in human history to go transparent!

You can follow Mae everywhere and see what she sees:

-circle campus

-friends and co-workers of Mae

-her off time and her hobbies

-her meals


Everything is live and can be live discussed!

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